Oase Berlin

The GAY-TANTRA® Masseurs Berlin

Portrait Armin


Certified theologian, teacher, and alternative practitioner, GAY-TANTRA® Founder and Pioneer (since 1992), created the GAY-TANTRA massages (since 2008)

"For me, massage is communication - with body, energy, and spirit."

Massage guests about Armin:

"I value your sensitive touch greatly and can only recommend it - missing out on you means missing out on oneself!"

Portrait Frederik


Business correspondent and personnel officer. Wado-Ryu Karate Champion 2 Dan, spa massage therapist since 2003, later training in traditional Thai Massage, certified as GAY-TANTRA® massage therapist since 10-2013

"Massage is for me like a ray of sunshine: you are warmth, energy and well-being."

What massage guests said about Frederik:

"Unsurpassed. Completely absorbed in the experience."

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